Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2022): January

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Patients’ Expectations and Experiences With a Mental Health–Focused Supportive Text Messaging Program: Mixed Methods Evaluation

Patients’ Expectations and Experiences With a Mental Health–Focused Supportive Text Messaging Program: Mixed Methods Evaluation

Patients’ Expectations and Experiences With a Mental Health–Focused Supportive Text Messaging Program: Mixed Methods Evaluation


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  4. Obuobi-Donkor G, Eboreime E, Shalaby R, Agyapong B, Phung N, Eyben S, Wells K, Dias R, Hilario C, Jones C, Brémault-Phillips S, Zhang Y, Greenshaw A, Agyapong V. User Satisfaction With a Daily Supportive Text Message Program (Text4PTSI) for Public Safety Personnel: Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e46431 View
  5. Owusu E, Shalaby R, Elgendy H, Mao W, Shalaby N, Agyapong B, Nichols A, Eboreime E, Nkire N, Lawal M, Agyapong V. Comparison of Resilience, Personal Recovery, and Quality of Life Measures Pre- and Post-Discharge from Inpatient Mental Health Units in Alberta: Analysis of Control Group Data from a Randomized Trial. Healthcare 2023;11(22):2958 View
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