Published on in Vol 8 (2024)

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Consumer Perspectives for a Future Mobile App to Document Real-World Listening Difficulties: Qualitative Study

Consumer Perspectives for a Future Mobile App to Document Real-World Listening Difficulties: Qualitative Study

Consumer Perspectives for a Future Mobile App to Document Real-World Listening Difficulties: Qualitative Study

Karyn Galvin   1 , BSc, DipAud, PhD ;   Dani Tomlin   1 , MAud, PhD ;   Barbra H B Timmer   2, 3 , MAud, MBA, PhD ;   Zoe McNeice   1 , MAud ;   Nicole Mount   1 , MAud ;   Kathleen Gray   4 , PhD ;   Camille E Short   5, 6 , PhD

1 Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia

2 School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

3 Sonova AG, Staefa, Switzerland

4 Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia

5 Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia

6 Melbourne School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia

Corresponding Author:

  • Karyn Galvin, BSc, DipAud, PhD
  • Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology
  • University of Melbourne
  • 550 Swanston St
  • Carlton, 3053
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 61390355323
  • Email: