Published on in Vol 4, No 7 (2020): July

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Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study


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  2. Garcia L, Darnall B, Krishnamurthy P, Mackey I, Sackman J, Louis R, Maddox T, Birckhead B. Self-Administered Behavioral Skills–Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(1):e25291 View
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  38. Garcia L, Birckhead B, Krishnamurthy P, Mackey I, Sackman J, Salmasi V, Louis R, Castro C, Maddox R, Maddox T, Darnall B. Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: 6-Month Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(5):e37480 View
  39. Garcia L, Birckhead B, Krishnamurthy P, Mackey I, Sackman J, Salmasi V, Louis R, Maddox T, Darnall B. Three-Month Follow-Up Results of a Double-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of 8-Week Self-Administered At-Home Behavioral Skills-Based Virtual Reality (VR) for Chronic Low Back Pain. The Journal of Pain 2022;23(5):822 View
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  56. Orgil Z, Karthic A, Bell N, Williams S, Ding L, Kashikar-Zuck S, King C, Olbrecht V. Dataset used to refine a treatment protocol of a biofeedback-based virtual reality intervention for pain and anxiety in children and adolescents undergoing surgery. Data in Brief 2023;49:109331 View
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  63. Slatman S, Groenveld T, Ostelo R, van Goor H, Staal J, Knoop J. Development of a Multimodal, Personalized Intervention of Virtual Reality Integrated Within Physiotherapy for Patients With Complex Chronic Low-Back Pain. Journal of Medical Extended Reality 2024;1(1):30 View
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  67. Mauck M, Aylward A, Barton C, Birckhead B, Carey T, Dalton D, Fields A, Fritz J, Hassett A, Hoffmeyer A, Jones S, McLean S, Mehling W, O’Neill C, Schneider M, Williams D, Zheng P, Wasan A. Evidenzbasierte Interventionen zur Behandlung von chronischem Schmerz im unteren Rücken – Therapieauswahl für einen personalisierten Behandlungsansatz. Der Schmerz 2024 View
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  84. Matthie N, Jenerette C. Knowledge and Experience of In-home Virtual Reality for Chronic Pain in Sickle Cell Disease. The Journal of Pain 2024:104668 View
  85. Maddox T, Oldstone L, Sackman J, Maddox R, Adair T, Ffrench K, Sparks C, Darnall B. Twelve-month results for a randomized sham-controlled effectiveness trial of an in-home skills-based virtual reality program for chronic low back pain. PAIN Reports 2024;9(5):e1182 View
  86. Orgil Z, Karthic A, Bell N, Heisterberg L, Williams S, Ding L, Kashikar-Zuck S, King C, Olbrecht V. Use of Biofeedback-Based Virtual Reality in Pediatric Perioperative and Postoperative Settings: Observational Study. JMIR Perioperative Medicine 2024;7:e48959 View
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  93. Tsigarides J, Grove V, Chipping J, Dainty J, Miles S, Shenker N, Sami S, Macgregor A. Feasibility of attention-based virtual reality interventions in fibromyalgia syndrome: comparing systems, virtual environments and activities. British Journal of Pain 2025 View
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Books/Policy Documents

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  2. Angra S, Sharma B. Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems. View
  3. De Clara L. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Health and Wellbeing. View
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