Published on in Vol 4, No 6 (2020): June

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A Mind-Body Physical Activity Program for Chronic Pain With or Without a Digital Monitoring Device: Proof-of-Concept Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

A Mind-Body Physical Activity Program for Chronic Pain With or Without a Digital Monitoring Device: Proof-of-Concept Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

A Mind-Body Physical Activity Program for Chronic Pain With or Without a Digital Monitoring Device: Proof-of-Concept Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial


  1. Mace R, Gates M, Bullard B, Lester E, Silverman I, Quiroz Y, Vranceanu A, Bowers B. Development of a Novel Mind–Body Activity and Pain Management Program for Older Adults With Cognitive Decline. The Gerontologist 2021;61(3):449 View
  2. Greenberg J, Mace R, Popok P, Kulich R, Patel K, Burns J, Somers T, Keefe F, Schatman M, Vrancenanu A. <p>Psychosocial Correlates of Objective, Performance-Based, and Patient-Reported Physical Function Among Patients with Heterogeneous Chronic Pain</p>. Journal of Pain Research 2020;Volume 13:2255 View
  3. Jacobs C, Mace R, Greenberg J, Popok P, Reichman M, Lattermann C, Burris J, Macklin E, Vranceanu A. Development of a mind body program for obese knee osteoarthritis patients with comorbid depression. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2021;21:100720 View
  4. Greenberg J, Lin A, Popok P, Kulich R, Edwards R, Vranceanu A. Getting Active Mindfully: Rationale and Case Illustration of a Group Mind-body and Activity Program for Chronic Pain. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 2021;28(4):706 View
  5. Greenberg J, Singh T, Iverson G, Silverberg N, Macklin E, Parker R, Giacino J, Yeh G, Vranceanu A. A Live Video Mind-Body Treatment to Prevent Persistent Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(1):e25746 View
  6. Bannon S, Greenberg J, Mace R, Locascio J, Vranceanu A. The role of social isolation in physical and emotional outcomes among patients with chronic pain. General Hospital Psychiatry 2021;69:50 View
  7. Mace R, Doorley J, Popok P, Vranceanu A. Live Video Adaptations to a Mind-Body Activity Program for Chronic Pain and Cognitive Decline: Protocol for the Virtual Active Brains Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(1):e25351 View
  8. Mace R, Gates M, Popok P, Kulich R, Quiroz Y, Vranceanu A, Bowers B. Feasibility Trial of a Mind–Body Activity Pain Management Program for Older Adults With Cognitive Decline. The Gerontologist 2021;61(8):1326 View
  9. Greenberg J, Mace R, Bannon S, Kulich R, Vranceanu A. Mind-Body Activity Program for Chronic Pain: Exploring Mechanisms of Improvement in Patient-Reported, Performance-Based and Ambulatory Physical Function. Journal of Pain Research 2021;Volume 14:359 View
  10. Greenberg J, Singh T, Popok P, Kulich R, Vranceanu A. Sustainability of Improvements in Physical and Emotional Function Following a Mind–Body Physical Activity Program for Chronic Pain. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2021;27(4):360 View
  11. Greenberg J, Singh T, Popok P, Kulich R, Vranceanu A. Sustainability of Improvements in Adaptive Coping Following Mind–Body and Activity Training for Chronic Pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2021;28(6):820 View
  12. Popok P, Greenberg J, Gates M, Vranceanu A. A qualitative investigation of activity measurement and change following a mind-body activity program for chronic pain. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2021;44:101410 View
  13. Grunberg V, Mace R, Bannon S, Greenberg J, Bakhshaie J, Vranceanu A. Mechanisms of change in depression and anxiety within a mind-body activity intervention for chronic pain. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021;292:534 View
  14. Salvador C, Mark P, Hoenemeyer T, McDonald V. Prospective feasibility study of a mindfulness-based program for breast cancer patients in the southeastern US. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2022;49:101639 View
  15. Grunberg V, Greenberg J, Mace R, Bakhshaie J, Choi K, Vranceanu A. Fitbit Activity, Quota-Based Pacing, and Physical and Emotional Functioning Among Adults With Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain 2022;23(11):1933 View
  16. Doorley J, Greenberg J, Stauder M, Vranceanu A. The Role of Mindfulness and Relaxation in Improved Sleep Quality Following a Mind–Body and Activity Program for Chronic Pain. Mindfulness 2021;12(11):2672 View
  17. Doorley J, Mace R, Popok P, Grunberg V, Ragnhildstveit A, Vranceanu A, Meeks S. Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mind–Body Activity Program for Older Adults With Chronic Pain and Cognitive Decline: The Virtual “Active Brains” Study. The Gerontologist 2022;62(7):1082 View
  18. Presciutti A, Greenberg J, Lester E, Newman M, Elmer J, Shaffer J, Vranceanu A, Perman S. Mindfulness is inversely associated with psychological symptoms in long-term cardiac arrest survivors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022;45(4):643 View
  19. Lovette B, Bannon S, Spyropoulos D, Vranceanu A, Greenberg J. “I Still Suffer Every Second of Every Day”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Challenges of Living with Chronic Orofacial Pain. Journal of Pain Research 2022;Volume 15:2139 View
  20. Greenberg J, Kanaya M, Bannon S, McKinnon E, Iverson G, Silverberg N, Parker R, Giacino J, Yeh G, Vranceanu A. The Impact of a Recent Concussion on College-Aged Individuals with Co-Occurring Anxiety: A Qualitative Investigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(3):1988 View
  21. Lester E, Fishbein N, Peterson A, Vranceanu A. Early feasibility testing of a web-based mind-body resiliency program for adults with neurofibromatosis: The NF-Web study. PEC Innovation 2022;1:100076 View
  22. Gupta M, Malik T, Sinha C. Delivery of a Mental Health Intervention for Chronic Pain Through an Artificial Intelligence–Enabled App (Wysa): Protocol for a Prospective Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(3):e36910 View
  23. Shetty A, Delanerolle G, Zeng Y, Shi J, Ebrahim R, Pang J, Hapangama D, Sillem M, Shetty S, Shetty B, Hirsch M, Raymont V, Majumder K, Chong S, Goodison W, O’Hara R, Hull L, Pluchino N, Shetty N, Elneil S, Fernandez T, Brownstone R, Phiri P. A systematic review and meta-analysis of digital application use in clinical research in pain medicine. Frontiers in Digital Health 2022;4 View
  24. Mace R, Greenberg J, Lemaster N, Duarte B, Penn T, Kanaya M, Doorley J, Burris J, Jacobs C, Vranceanu A. Live Video Mind-Body Program for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis, Comorbid Depression, and Obesity: Development and Feasibility Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e34654 View
  25. Pratscher S, Sibille K, Fillingim R. Conscious connected breathing with breath retention intervention in adults with chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomized controlled pilot study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023;9(1) View
  26. Hopkins S, Greenberg J, Isaacs J, Vranceanu A. “Practice Makes Perfect”? Associations Between Home Practice and Physical and Emotional Function Outcomes Among Patients with Chronic Pain Enrolled in a Mind–Body Program. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2022;28(4):320 View
  27. Presciutti A, Bannon S, Yamin J, Newman M, Parker R, Elmer J, Wu O, Donnino M, Perman S, Vranceanu A. The relationship between mindfulness and enduring somatic threat severity in long-term cardiac arrest survivors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2023;46(5):890 View
  28. Presciutti A, Flickinger K, Coppler P, Ratay C, Doshi A, Perman S, Vranceanu A, Elmer J. Protective positive psychology factors and emotional distress after cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2023;188:109846 View
  29. Lovette B, Kanaya M, Grunberg V, McKinnon E, Vranceanu A, Greenberg J. “Alone in the dark”: A qualitative study of treatment experiences among young adults with a recent concussion and anxiety. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2024;34(6):781 View
  30. Van de Winckel A, Carpentier S, Deng W, Zhang L, Philippus A, Battaglino R, Morse L. Feasibility of using remotely delivered Spring Forest Qigong to reduce neuropathic pain in adults with spinal cord injury: a pilot study. Frontiers in Physiology 2023;14 View
  31. Van de Winckel A, Carpentier S, Deng W, Zhang L, Battaglino R, Morse L. Using remotely delivered Spring Forest Qigong™ to reduce neuropathic pain in adults with spinal cord injury: protocol of a quasi-experimental feasibility clinical trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023;9(1) View
  32. LaRowe L, Bakhshaie J, Vranceanu A, Greenberg J. Effects of a Mind-Body Program for Chronic Pain in Older versus Younger Adults. Journal of Pain Research 2023;Volume 16:3917 View
  33. Cheng A, Agarwal M, Armbrecht M, Abraham J, Calfee R, Goss C. Behavioral Mechanisms That Mediate Mental and Physical Health Improvements in People With Chronic Pain Who Receive a Digital Health Intervention: Prospective Cohort Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e51422 View
  34. McDermott K, Levey N, Brewer J, Ehmann M, Hooker J, Pasinski R, Yousif N, Raju V, Gholston M, Greenberg J, Ritchie C, Vranceanu A. Improving Health for Older Adults With Pain Through Engagement: Protocol for Tailoring and Open Pilot Testing of a Mind-Body Activity Program Delivered Within Shared Medical Visits in an Underserved Community Clinic. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e52117 View
  35. Junghans-Rutelonis A, Sim L, Harbeck-Weber C, Dresher E, Timm W, Weiss K. Feasibility of wearable activity tracking devices to measure physical activity and sleep change among adolescents with chronic pain—a pilot nonrandomized treatment study. Frontiers in Pain Research 2024;4 View
  36. Hooker J, Brewer J, McDermott K, Kanaya M, Somers T, Keefe F, Kelleher S, Fisher H, Burns J, Jeddi R, Kulich R, Polykoff G, Parker R, Greenberg J, Vranceanu A. Improving multimodal physical function in adults with heterogeneous chronic pain; Protocol for a multisite feasibility RCT. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024;138:107462 View
  37. Li M, Kor P, Zhang Z, Liu J, Ören Çelik M. Feasibility and preliminary effects of a mindfulness-based physical exercise (MBPE) program for community-dwelling older people with sarcopenia: A protocol for a parallel, two-armed pilot randomised controlled trial. PLOS ONE 2024;19(4):e0302235 View
  38. Plys E, Giraldo-Santiago N, Ehmann M, Brewer J, Presciutti A, Rush C, McDermott K, Greenberg J, Ritchie C, Vranceanu A. “They really trust us!”: medical interpreter’s roles and experiences in an integrated primary care clinic. Social Work in Mental Health 2024;22(5):715 View