The Potential Use and Value of a Wearable Monitoring Bracelet for Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Qualitative Study Investigating the Patient and Health Care Professional Perspectives
The Potential Use and Value of a Wearable Monitoring Bracelet for Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Qualitative Study Investigating the Patient and Health Care Professional Perspectives
Suzanne M Debeij
1, 2
, MSc ;
Jiska J Aardoom
1, 3
, PhD ;
Miriam L Haaksma
1, 2
, PhD ;
Wieteke A M Stoop
, MSc ;
Eléonore F van Dam van Isselt
1, 2
, PhD ;
Marise J Kasteleyn
1, 3
, PhD
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
University Network for the Care Sector South Holland, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
National eHealth Living Lab, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Revant, Breda, The Netherlands
Corresponding Author:
Suzanne M Debeij, MSc
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Leiden University Medical Center
Hippocratespad 21
Leiden, 2300 RC
The Netherlands
31 651306514