Published on in Vol 6, No 5 (2022): May

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Demonstration and Acceptability of a Safer Conception Intervention for Men With HIV in South Africa: Pilot Cohort Study

Demonstration and Acceptability of a Safer Conception Intervention for Men With HIV in South Africa: Pilot Cohort Study

Demonstration and Acceptability of a Safer Conception Intervention for Men With HIV in South Africa: Pilot Cohort Study


  1. O. Isehunwa O, Ntinga X, Msimango L, M. Smith P, van Heerden A, T. Matthews L. Opportunities to leverage reproductive goals and ideals among South African men to promote HIV testing, treatment and prevention: A qualitative study. Global Public Health 2023;18(1) View
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  3. Isehunwa O, Jaggernath M, Kriel Y, Psaros C, Mathenjwa M, Hurwitz K, Bennett K, Smith P, Bangsberg D, Marrazzo J, Haberer J, Smit J, Matthews L. Uptake and Persistence of Safer Conception Strategies Among South African Women Planning for Pregnancy. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(12):4029 View