Published on in Vol 6, No 4 (2022): April

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Medical-Blocks―A Platform for Exploration, Management, Analysis, and Sharing of Data in Biomedical Research: System Development and Integration Results

Medical-Blocks―A Platform for Exploration, Management, Analysis, and Sharing of Data in Biomedical Research: System Development and Integration Results

Medical-Blocks―A Platform for Exploration, Management, Analysis, and Sharing of Data in Biomedical Research: System Development and Integration Results


  1. Goeldlin M, Hakim A, Branca M, Abend S, Kneihsl M, Valenzuela Pinilla W, Fenzl S, Rezny-Kasprzak B, Rohner R, Strbian D, Paciaroni M, Thomalla G, Michel P, Nedeltchev K, Gattringer T, Sandset E, Bonati L, Aguiar de Sousa D, Sylaja P, Ntaios G, Koga M, Gdovinova Z, Lemmens R, Bornstein N, Kelly P, Katan M, Horvath T, Dawson J, Fischer U, Adeyemi A, Vedamurthy A, Scutelnic A, Hisanao A, Wilson A, Tarnutzer A, Pichler A, Salerno A, Vanhoorne A, Polymeris A, Wilkinson A, Paiva Nunes A, Adamou A, Peeters A, Humm A, Zini A, Dhasan A, Alonso A, Fischer A, Saukkonen A, Müller A, Berberich A, Falcou A, Devroye A, Hostens A, Liesz A, Annamalai A, Sharma A, Paliantonis A, Nallasivan A, Abdul-Rahim A, Grimshaw B, Kallmünzer B, Rodic B, Clarke B, Menezes B, Weder B, Ciobanu C, Cereda C, Loos C, Kulyk C, Gonçalves Martins C, Ferrari C, Fung C, Caporale C, McAlpine C, Globas C, Gumbinger C, Bonvin C, Krogias C, Whyte C, Bassetti C, Ryan D, Charissé D, Richter D, Schrammel D, Giudici D, Nabavi D, Bradley D, Orion D, Seiffge D, Werring D, Strambo D, Esson D, Khurana D, Melancia D, Staykov D, Hemelsoet D, Michalski D, Schlemm E, Karagkiozi E, Saxhaug Kristoffersen E, Marcelis E, Wright F, Delvoye F, Medlin F, Takayuki F, Sirimarco G, Shim G, Smith G, Royl G, Pope G, Salanti G, Sibolt G, Guzman-Gutierrez G, De Marchis G, Bianco G, Dymond H, Ihle-Hansen H, Thomas H, Stetefeld H, Koundal H, Asaf H, Anwar I, De Magistris I, Noone I, Olave Bersas I, Muresan I, Vanpanteghem I, Gralla J, Vynckier J, Demeestere J, Offermann J, Pandian J, Sousa J, Marto J, Sargento-Freitas J, Vehoff J, Pelz J, McCabe J, Harbison J, Mbroh J, Wagner J, Niederhauser J, Sipilä J, Tanaka K, Rani K, Klimcikova K, Smith K, Soltesova K, Macha K, Matzusono K, Szabo K, Yperzeele L, Alteheld L, Kellert L, Healy L, Zhang L, Fisch L, Gentile L, Schelosky L, Kellermair L, Gbadamosh L, Dixon L, Nakajima M, Inoue M, Krishnan M, Bolognese M, Arnold M, Mosconi M, Altmann M, Lang M, Psychogios M, Tiainen M, Barber M, Arnold M, Magriço M, Müller M, Joan MacLeod M, Greulich M, Rutgers M, Schell M, Garcia-Pons M, Pøhner Skahjem M, Haley M, Marnane M, Vosko M, Mako M, Polavarapu N, Martinez-Majander N, Del Gaudio N, Caracciolo N, Peters N, Mahajan N, Silimon N, Onur O, Olbert E, Morten Rønning O, Ringleb P, Slade P, Vanacker P, Desfontaines P, Nair P, Marian R, Parthasarathy R, Hidalgo R, Mulcahy R, Kato R, Bhatia R, Collins R, Leker R, Eichel R, Tanaka R, Hussayni Husseini S, Clarke S, Sreedharan S, Ostanek S, Amina S, Beyeler S, Storton S, Fujimoto S, Räty S, Fandler-Höfler S, Galego S, Yoshimura S, Matsubara S, Greisenegger S, Oberndorfer S, Ray S, Renaud S, Riebau S, Poli S, Politz S, Albert S, Kunieda T, Sato T, Yoshimoto T, Anjum T, Pap T, Costa T, Pinho e Melo T, Iype T, Cassidy T, Von Oertzen T, Kahles T, Danilo T, Spetalen T, Tatlisumak T, De Herdt V, Borisova V, Pamidimukkala V, Huded V, Gupta V, Kumar V, Nambiar V, Pfeilschifter W, Stoop W, Iguchi Y, Müller Seljeseth Y, Abousleiman Y, Yakushiji Y, Pencz Z. Early vs Late Anticoagulation in Minor, Moderate, and Major Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation. JAMA Neurology 2024;81(7):693 View
  2. Rohner R, Kneihsl M, Goeldlin M, Hakim A, Branca M, Abend S, Valenzuela Pinilla W, Fenzl S, Rezny-Kasprzak B, Strbian D, Trelle S, Paciaroni M, Thomalla G, Michel P, Nedeltchev K, Gattringer T, Sandset E, Bonati L, Aguiar de Sousa D, Sylaja P, Ntaios G, Koga M, Gdovinova Z, Lemmens R, Bornstein N, Kelly P, Katan M, Horvath T, Dawson J, Fischer U. Early Versus Late Initiation of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Ischemic Stroke in People With Atrial Fibrillation and Hemorrhagic Transformation: Prespecified Subanalysis of the Randomized Controlled ELAN Trial. Circulation 2024;150(1):19 View
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