Published on in Vol 5, No 12 (2021): December

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Initial Feasibility of the “Families Moving Forward Connect” Mobile Health Intervention for Caregivers of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Mixed Method Evaluation Within a Systematic User-Centered Design Approach

Initial Feasibility of the “Families Moving Forward Connect” Mobile Health Intervention for Caregivers of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Mixed Method Evaluation Within a Systematic User-Centered Design Approach

Initial Feasibility of the “Families Moving Forward Connect” Mobile Health Intervention for Caregivers of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Mixed Method Evaluation Within a Systematic User-Centered Design Approach


  1. Gibbs A, Flanagan J, Gray L. An Australian online training and support program for caregivers of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Families linking with families. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 2024;49(2):175 View
  2. Kautz‐Turnbull C, Speybroeck E, Rockhold M, Petrenko C. Teachers' needs for an FASD‐informed resource: A qualitative interview needs assessment based on the ADAPT‐ITT framework. Psychology in the Schools 2023 View
  3. Burkhart K, Lipman C, Agarwal N, Tangen R, Bothe D. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: an exploratory telehealth pilot group intervention for caregivers. Children's Health Care 2024:1 View
  4. Teixeira P, Eusébio C, Teixeira L. Understanding the integration of accessibility requirements in the development process of information systems: a systematic literature review. Requirements Engineering 2024;29(2):143 View
  5. Rockhold M, Gimbel B, Richardson A, Kautz-Turnbull C, Speybroeck E, de Water E, Myers J, Hargrove E, May M, Abdi S, Petrenko C. Racial and ethnic disparities in psychological care for individuals with FASD: a dis/ability studies and critical race theory perspective toward improving prevention, assessment/diagnosis, and intervention. Frontiers in Public Health 2024;12 View
  6. Petrenko C, Kautz-Turnbull C, Rockhold M, Tapparello C, Roth A, Zhang S, Grund B, Wood B, Carmichael Olson H. Larger-scale feasibility trial of the families moving forward (FMF) connect mobile health intervention for caregivers raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  7. Speybroeck E, Petrenko C, Tapparello C, Griffin K, Hargrove E, Himmelreich M, Lutke A, Lutke C, May M, Zhang S, Looney J, Kautz-Turnbull C, Rockhold M. My Health Coach: Community members’ perspectives on a mobile health tool for adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  8. Chu J, Wilson H, Cai C, McCormack J, Newcombe D, Bullen C. Technologies for Supporting Individuals and Caregivers Living With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2024;11:e51074 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Badry D, Dearman A, Choate P, Marcellus L, Tortorelli C, Williams R. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. View
  2. Kautz-Turnbull C, Rockhold M, Petrenko C. Alcohol and Alcohol-related Diseases. View
  3. Olson H, Pruner M, Byington N, Jirikowic T. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. View