Published on in Vol 4, No 2 (2020): February

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Feasibility and Acceptability of an Electronic Health HIV Prevention Toolkit Intervention With Concordant HIV-Negative, Same-Sex Male Couples on Sexual Agreement Outcomes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Feasibility and Acceptability of an Electronic Health HIV Prevention Toolkit Intervention With Concordant HIV-Negative, Same-Sex Male Couples on Sexual Agreement Outcomes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Feasibility and Acceptability of an Electronic Health HIV Prevention Toolkit Intervention With Concordant HIV-Negative, Same-Sex Male Couples on Sexual Agreement Outcomes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial


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  14. Stephenson R, Chavanduka T, Sullivan S, Mitchell J. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Stigma and Beliefs in the Efficacy of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: An Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey of Male Couples in the United States. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 2022;33(4):406 View
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