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Published on 19.07.18 in Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jul-Dec

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Works citing "Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Support Optimal Medication Adherence Among Kidney Transplant Recipients: Pilot Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/formative.9707):

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  1. Nielsen C, Agerskov H, Bistrup C, Clemensen J. Evaluation of a telehealth solution developed to improve follow‐up after kidney Transplantation. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2020;29(7-8):1053
  2. Côté J, Fortin M, Auger P, Rouleau G, Dubois S, Vaillant I, Gélinas-Lemay , Boudreau N. Web-Based Tailored Nursing Intervention to Support Medication Self-management. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2019;37(11):564
  3. Tropea P, Schlieter H, Sterpi I, Judica E, Gand K, Caprino M, Gabilondo I, Gomez-Esteban JC, Busnatu S, Sinescu C, Kyriazakos S, Anwar S, Corbo M. Rehabilitation, the Great Absentee of Virtual Coaching in Medical Care: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(10):e12805
  4. Nielsen C, Agerskov H, Bistrup C, Clemensen J. User involvement in the development of a telehealth solution to improve the kidney transplantation process: A participatory design study. Health Informatics Journal 2020;26(2):1237
  5. Eslami S, Khoshrounejad F, Golmakani R, Taherzadeh Z, Tohidinezhad F, Mostafavi SM, Ganjali R. Effectiveness of IT-based interventions on self-management in adult kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2021;21(1)
  6. Pouls BPH, Vriezekolk JE, Bekker CL, Linn AJ, van Onzenoort HAW, Vervloet M, van Dulmen S, van den Bemt BJF. Effect of Interactive eHealth Interventions on Improving Medication Adherence in Adults With Long-Term Medication: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(1):e18901
  7. Kostalova B, Ribaut J, Dobbels F, Gerull S, Mala-Ladova K, Zullig LL, De Geest S. Medication adherence interventions in transplantation lack information on how to implement findings from randomized controlled trials in real-world settings: A systematic review. Transplantation Reviews 2022;36(1):100671
  8. Mellon L, Doyle F, Hickey A, Ward KD, de Freitas DG, McCormick PA, O'Connell O, Conlon P. Interventions for increasing immunosuppressant medication adherence in solid organ transplant recipients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022;2022(9)
  9. Lee-Riddle GS, Schmidt HJ, Reese PP, Nelson MN, Neergaard R, Barg FK, Serper M. Transplant recipient, care partner, and clinician perceptions of medication adherence monitoring technology: A mixed methods study. American Journal of Transplantation 2024;24(4):669
  10. Ni C, Lu W, Ni M, Huang F, Li D, Shen F. Advanced Messaging Intervention for Medication Adherence and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Cancer 2023;9:e44612

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/formative.9707):

  1. Costa D, Silva J. Current Challenges and Advances in Organ Donation and Transplantation. 2023. Chapter 1
  2. Costa D, Silva J, Oliveira J. New Insights in Perioperative Care. 2024. Chapter 6