%0 Journal Article %@ 2561-326X %I JMIR Publications %V 8 %N %P e56674 %T Comparison of Analgesia Methods Through a Web Platform in Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery: Pilot Design, Implementation, and Validation Study %A Trò,Rosella %A Orecchia,Angelica %A Disma,Nicola %A Uva,Paolo %A Cavanna,Roberto %A Zanardi,Nicolò %A Torre,Michele %A Fato,Marco Massimo %+ Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering, University of Genoa, Via all'Opera Pia 13, Genoa, 16145, Italy, 39 3408716911, rosella.tro@edu.unige.it %K pectus excavatum %K pain assessment %K web platform %K health care informatics %D 2024 %7 8.10.2024 %9 Original Paper %J JMIR Form Res %G English %X Background: Pain management is a vital and essential part of postoperative pectus excavatum (PE) care. Given the lack of an international consensus on guidelines for postoperative handling and evaluation, further research is necessary to compare the efficacy of existing pain management methods regarding pain relief, side effects, and long-term outcomes. In this context, the use of eHealth solutions for data mining can enhance data collection efficiency, reduce errors, and improve patient engagement. However, these digital health care frameworks are currently underused in the context of pain management for PE. Objective: This research is part of the broader Cryoanalgesia for Pain Management After Pectus Excavatum Repair (COPPER) study conducted by Giannina Gaslini Children’s Hospital to address postoperative pain and recovery in PE patients treated with either standard thoracic epidural analgesia or cryoanalgesia, which is considered its innovative alternative approach. Specifically, this work is aimed at introducing a valuable tool for a comprehensive and quantitative comparison of the 2 analgesia strategies. The tool is a web and mobile app designed to facilitate data collection, management, and analysis of clinical data for pain assessment. Methods: The adopted approach involves a careful design based on clinician input, resulting in an intuitive app structure with 3 main screens. Digital surveys are borrowed from paper surveys, including medical history and preoperative, postoperative, and follow-up evaluations. XTENS 2.0 was used to manage the data, and Ionic facilitated cross-platform app development, ensuring secure and adaptable data handling. Results: Preliminary analysis on a pilot cohort of 72 patients (36 treated with standard therapy and 36 treated with cryoanalgesia) indicated successful patient enrollment and balanced representation across treatment groups and genders. Notably, hospital stay was significantly shorter with cryoanalgesia than with standard therapy (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon 2-sided test with Bonferroni correction; P<.001; U statistic=287.5), validating its treatment efficacy. Conclusions: This work is a step toward modernizing health care through digital transformation and patient-centered models. The app shows promise in streamlined data collection and patient engagement, although improvements in multilingual support, data validation, and incentivization of questionnaire completion are warranted. Overall, this study highlights the potential of digital health solutions in revolutionizing health care practices, fostering patient involvement, and improving care quality. %R 10.2196/56674 %U https://formative.jmir.org/2024/1/e56674 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/56674